Thursday, January 11, 2007

Childrens Day in Thailand

Uhh well today was kids day in town and we ate like 10 different things of fruit we never knew existed... but uh some of them were nasty lol and they kept on offering us more and yuk lol hahaha steph is too nice to them.. i just stay im full. They had dancing on stage forever... like little girls dressed up and they had their whole ruitines down.. pretty sweet if you ask us. the music was blaring seriously my ears were hurting!! The whole party was right beside this vast resivoir of beautiful (murky) water and trees! We wouldn't swim in it... they had jumpa ramas with slides on them that was rad. and a merry go around that was ripped to shreds!!! oh my goodness. But they loved it. Uhhh we saw one white girl in a thai dance that had the same hair color and cut as the rest of the thai girls.. wow we had to wonder if she was white or not... but when she danced it was totally white(tor). You hearing us. Anywho, we have enjoyed our day thus far and look foreward to what the night holds... Love you all, Adele and Steph

We made it

We have made it safely to the Orphanage we have been trying to figure out what to do here... suposudly the guy we were emailing didnt tell them about us till the day b4 we came it makes us feel awkward.. you know? We are working with it. They dint have any time to plan what we would do so we had to think of things to do... Today we ate outside on our so peaceful porch oh anyone who likes open spaces you would thinkk this place is so goreous, you could say we are in the country area.. wowie. I love it. But so far we ate and did our own dishes we had to ask to wash them cause we didnt want to offend the culture.. there is a white man who speaks thai fluently he lived here 10 years ago and was away for 10 and now he sold all his stuff in the states and is moving here for life. wow he is about 55 i would say, was a pastor too.. well steph and i were given these huge *key word huge cards of the abc alphabet with apples and stuff to represent the word and the sound of it... my grandma who is a school teacher came to mind.. so we are going to be teaching the teacher/staff/moms here lots of english. Thank God we figured our what to do. The director here is Korean.. all the kids here are from about 6 different tribes, not many thai here actually how amazing that God puts them all together and they harmonize.. The funny thing is that they had to all learn thai because they all spoke another language so they needed a main one.. Jesus is funny how he works. They always have a service at 7:00 at night with songs and devotions. Very much like our songs with actions and guitars. Havent played yet but we will be teaching them songs tonight and the rest of the week. We will also be doing a skit (devotional message) tonight and maybe another one, we are thinking of David and Goliath. Please pray for wisdom and great ideas for skits, ice-cream, events, games, songs... anything you could think. Oh and they have a KIDS DAY here lucky kids, just like any Mothers or Fathers day. So that is this Saturday, please pray that they feel so special and that we may bless them with great love, and wisdom.
Signing out - Adele and Steph

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Hello everybody!!!
Steph and i signing in today. We have been traveling for 5 days now. 4 of them traveling. We are alright now not really any jetleg! TAKE JETLAG PILLS they work! Anyways, our 4 days consisted of waiting long periods of time in the airports dragging our bags around lol they weren't that heavy, flying for lotsa hours waiting to conect to the next airplane of the 5 that we took. Oh Lord Jesus have mercy. We thought we were going mental at some points but at some we were laughing hysterically from lack of sleep, and we won't tell you what we were lauighing at cause you'd probubly laugh at us. But good points were that most planes except the one to Chiang mai had extra seats in it so we always had at least one between us to lay around for hours. At one point we had two seats each and did we ever sleep. Oh and when we slept over night in Vancouver, Tor and her boyfriend Kato came over at about 12:30 in the morning when we had to leave at 4:00 lol crazy crazy gurl.... let me just say we paid for that!! Tor... It was a good time but yeah like we said. So yesterday we arrived in Chiang Mai at 7:30 am we came to our hostel called the Mehong Center! THANK-YOU Berry, it is sooooo amazing this place is mint. Anyone who needs a place here it is 250 buht which is about 5 dollars Canadian! Chaa that's what we are talking about. So we didn't sleep all day, we fought the temptation!! We are survivers. So, we decided to go for a walk around the neighbor hood. (By the way we are a drive away from town) key word DRIVE. We thought we would try to walk.. on our way we saw a tuk tuk driver who we passed off on gettin a ride. About 2 minutes later we arrived to the Super Highway....... which is 5 lanes wide with various motor vehicles zooming by, uhh no room for walking. So humiliated we walk back to the tuk tuk driver and we said to each other uhh how much do you think steph 50 boht? yeah 50 boht I said. So we walked up to him and asked and he said 50 boht... wow God really told us. He is keeping care of us over here. So he ended up taking us to a SUPER market which is like freaking Costco hahaha funny we said food not bulk food. So we shopped and then we thought hey lets just see if there are any tuk tuks and uhhh notta tuk in sight. So we forget about the food we shopped for and walked across the highway which is rediculously not safe searched for a tuk tuk, gave up and had to find our way home and thank God we did. Then we just relaxed at home and eat from the snack bar here and its cheap then we went out for dinner just down the way for 1 dollar each. In conclution we tryed to stay awake till bed time and that is what we did. Today we have figured out all of the Orphanage work plands. We will be picked up at 3:30 and will head out to Doi Saket about 1 hour from Chiang Mai town Center. We will stay there with them... we are quite excited to see what will happen. We will be there for 5 days. Please pray that we will be flexable and bless the people there. We love you all and will update asap
Signing out Adele and Steph