Sunday, April 1, 2007

7th batch of pics, hope you like em.

Me, at Hotel Des Mille Collines! Aka. Hotel Rwanda! (the movie)Honestly nothing but rich snobs there! Yick, we went and left! Everything was soooo expensive! Crazy people.
This is Rwanda! Rolling hills filled with life.. many people in a small area! Beautiful.. so many times we would be like wow that is so beautiful! Cool place I must say.
This is an open mass burial grave. You know at the museum is where they are burying everyone.
Uhmm.. there was no soap but I ended up having some in my bag so we had to balance it on my purse and was our hands at the same time... we were gutting ourselves laughing.. people kept on walking in and laughing, or else super embarrassed they thought they were interrupting something! Uhh good times. Crazy Canadians I tell you.

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